Sarasota Business Law Attorneys
Results Focused. Strategy Driven.
About The Firm
At Gaskill Law Firm, we handle a wide range of transactional and litigation matters including business, real estate, construction, intellectual property, restrictive covenants, and contract issues. Our focus is to provide you efficient and pragmatic solutions. That may mean a favorable judgment or a common sense approach that avoids the courtroom. It is our job to represent your interests no matter which forum or what side of the conflict you might be on.
How Are We Different?
At Gaskill Law Firm, we know you have a seemingly endless list of potential attorneys and firms to trust with your matter. We give candid and direct advice, both legal and practical, from the outset and through the conclusion of our representation of each client. We aggressively advocate our clients' positions when it is beneficial to the overall strategy. We do not pursue tactics for argument's sake; rather, we pursue strategies consistent with the goals of our clients. We do not fight to hear ourselves talk or to run up your fees.
Your situation is personal to you. We will guide you and give you our recommended course of action, but ultimately you will be in control.